Hotel Hongkong Inn Amritsar


Hotel Hong Kong Inn is perfectly suited for families, business travelers or friends on a trip through Northern India. The hotel is located close to some of the most famous sights of Amritsar and guests can select from Deluxe, Executive or Luxury rooms. If they want nothing less than the best, they can always opt for the Hongkong Suite. Its Located near Jallianwala Bagh & Golden Temple (2 km), Durgiana Temple (2.5 km) and Railway Station (1 km), Hotel Hong Kong Inn features accommodation with 24-hour room service.

Room Amenities
The hotel offers accommodation in Luxury rooms furnished with modern furniture. The rooms are compact but well equipped with amenities like air conditioner, Tea/Coffee Maker, Wi-Fi Internet, Daily Newspaper, Geyser In Bathroom, 24-hr Room Service. Every room has an attached bathroom with hot and cold water supply and basic amenities like soap and shampoo. 
Luxury Room Luxury Family Room Extra Bed
Rs. 2750 Rs. 5500 Rs. 1250
Rs. 1850 Rs.3500 Rs. 600
Above rates are inclusive tax.